"I dedicate these erotic meanderings to playful lovers and, why not?
also to frightened men and melancholy women"
Isabel Allende
Warning to all , but no surprise to most who know me well. I am not shy. What I've written here is very intimate, so if you're not ready, turn back now. After that, I'm not responsible......
I love honey......I love to eat it, bathe in it and make love with it. There is almost nothing as satisfying to me as the smell of raw honey, not even chocolate, which I adore but only in small quantities these days. I love to break a fresh honeycomb apart with with my fingers and lick the sweetness that drips from it and the beeswax and the pollen that clings to it are ambrosia for my tastebuds. Honey perfumes are to me among the most coveted of fragrances because of their ability to send my imagination wandering into thoroughly exquisite places.
I love honey......I love to eat it, bathe in it and make love with it. There is almost nothing as satisfying to me as the smell of raw honey, not even chocolate, which I adore but only in small quantities these days. I love to break a fresh honeycomb apart with with my fingers and lick the sweetness that drips from it and the beeswax and the pollen that clings to it are ambrosia for my tastebuds. Honey perfumes are to me among the most coveted of fragrances because of their ability to send my imagination wandering into thoroughly exquisite places.
Honey has some very practical qualities too, such as it's ability to become an proven antibacterial when mixed with fresh garlic. The next time that you get a cut try a salve of crushed garlic and raw honey . You will be amazed at the swiftness with which it can heal and you can feel good knowing that you've treated yourself and your skin very well! In fact Lush, that fabulously fun company based in the UK that makes the most wonderful vegan products recently had a call from several nurse's in England to make a soap that could naturally kill the MRSA virus. the result was "13- Unlucky for dirt!" and you can find it on their website. Created from essential oils of oregano, rose and filled with honey, it has been used successfully to fight the spread of this dangerous virus much more successfully then the antibiotics that contributed to creating it.
But all of this practicality is beginning to bore me!
Like Cleopatra and so many of the other wild women before me , I love to warm a potion of fresh honey , heavy cream, organic rose petals and drops of ylang ylang oil for my bath. Raw honey mixed with brown sugar, rose absolute and a bit of olive oil makes a wonderful scrub for the skin, imparting a softness and a beautiful fragrance guaranteed to arouse. Honey in a squeeze bottle gently warmed and mixed with a bit of organic vanilla extract and a touch of rose water quite simply becomes dessert for two drizzled in all of the right places. If you're really earthy, mix in a bit of truffle oil in place of the vanilla and rose water. It is a truly ambrosial combination that's sweetly animalistic, dripping with sensuality and infinitely lickable!
For totally unabashed sweetness , apples dipped in honey are an ancient recipe that you can have fun feeding to one another and sliced juicy melons drizzled with honey are the ultimate sticky and slippery play toy. To quench my thirst I love to make a simple homemade wine by decanting a bottle of riesling and infusing it with sliced meyer lemons, fresh rosemary and a tablespoon or two of a finely spiced honey. Served well chilled on a summers eve it's a delicious accompaniment to the effervescent fireflies and the moonlight. Served with a platter of handpicked grapes, a softly yielding pear , ripe figs and a wedge of Manchego cheese that has a bit of fresh honey comb broken over the top , it's a very rich feast indeed. Fed to each other by firelight it's practically Bacchanalian and I dare you to try to stay untangled........
There are many exquisite honey fragrances but the solid perfumes created by botanical perfumer Roxana Villa are like dripping butter, so rich are they with beeswax and other sensuous oils. When you open one of them and run your fingers over the surface, the beeswax instantly melts into your fingertips, sliding down your skin like a precious unguent. I am begging her to make me a body butter that I can use after a warm evening bath or during a massage scented with honey and other wonderful things. I cannot even imagine how good it would feel to be caressed everywhere by such an exquisite potion. If she is good enough to make me one I will let you know and maybe, just maybe I'll share......
One of my other pleasures is a delicious product made by Kama Sutra called "Honey Dust". Kama Sutra for those of you who haven't made its acquaintance is a wonderful product line that's been around for quite some time now. Kama Sutra uses excellent ingredients and they do not animal test. They are devoted to making the art of lovemaking delicious! They have created delicious warming gels and yummy body souffles, but the Honey Dust made with real powdered honey is just incredible. It comes in 4 flavors, but being a bit of a purist I love the traditional Sweet Honeysuckle flavor the most! Honey Dust is a simple and easy to use product. Entice your lover into bed and open the container. Take the feather brush provided, dip it into the tin and lightly stroke it over any and every place that you want to kiss and be kissed. No further instructions required! You can make your own "Honey Dust" as powdered honey is readily available but I think that you should splurge and buy the real thing. The containers are beautiful and totally enticing and just feel like a very special occasion. They make a little "Weekender Kit" that's filled with delicious things to play with. Go to their site, blush a bit and then order something for the two of you. Trust me, you'll be very glad that you did!
Why you may wonder, all of this rhapsodizing tonight about honey? It's because my adored honeybees are in grave danger from Colony Collapse Disorder. It is a sad sad state of affairs for them and a dismal omen for our very survival on this gorgeous planet that we call home. It's a very simple truth, no bees.... no food, no flowers, no bees, no food. We cannot live without the pollinators because we've yet to figure out how to pollinate without them on such a scale that would feed us all. The stunning stark truth of what this means is that every time a hive dies from CCD, we lose a bit more of the fight to sustain ourselves on this planet and we tread much closer to famine on a global level. The realities of this are truly frightening.
Many of us in the perfume community are very concerned about Colony Collapse Disorder, so much so that quite a few of us have devoted our columns today to our beloved honeybees and the joys that they bring into our lives. Please take the time to go to their "Hives" and read the delightful prose of my fellow bloggers. It's our first "Bee Here Now" event and I know that you will love their Bee-utiful words. Take the time to learn about Colony Collapse Disorder and what it means. It's not to late, but we need to act now.
Bee Illustration ©Roxana Villa
For Kama Sutra Products- http://www.kamasutra.com/
For 13- Unlucky for Dirt soap - http://www.lushusa.com/shop
To learn more about Colony Collapse Disorder- http://www.nrdc.org/wildlife/animals/bees.asp
Most sensual...full of ideas and a strong message at the end.
Glad I could read your thoughts on this!
What a sensuous intoxicating journey you have taken us all on Beth!
Ahh...the writings of the magical Beth. The ones that sent me out into cyberland to find the gal who could take me on a visual journey through the stroke of her pen! A great read as always. ;o)
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